
Ashtanga Yoga Term Class


Ashtanga Yoga

Tuesdays 10am-11:30pm 

Wednesdays 9:30-11:00am

Thursdays 10am-12pm

Ashtanga Yoga is a practice where breath and movement are continuous allowing for a flowing sequence of postures and the cultivation of a meditative state of mind.

Price is per person per term (note: 10 week term)

Drop in/Casual rate $20 per class
10 class pass $170 (to be used within 4 months)

Bookings for this class are made through Blue Mountains Ashtanga Yoga

Artist Bio

Paul has been to Mysore, India to study under the master Shi K Pattabhi Jois and his grandson, Sharath, who gave him authorization to teach. Other teachers who have greatly influenced him have been Graeme Northfield, Peter Sanson and Eileen Hall.
He teaches with care and understanding to slowly cultivate deeper awareness and encourage a daily practice.
Paul has also studied Anatomy and Physiology to encourage greater body awarness, pranayama and meditation. He has worked with people with injuries and illnesses and found Ashtanga Yoga to be very beneficial for all types of people.